The Copperprint Becomes A Public Benefit Company

A patch of moss growing out of the snow with red stems photographed by Joni Niemelä. | Photo Title: Moss | 
        Photo by Joni Niemelä ©2023
Moss | ©2023 Joni Niemelä

"Moss", by photographer Joni Niemelä is a close up of a patch of moss growing in the snow. The moss is a vibrant green, with hints of red in the stems. The snow is a pristine white, with a light blue tint. The contrast between the two colors is striking, and creates a sense of peace and tranquility. The image is framed in such a way that the viewer's attention is drawn to the moss. The snow is out of focus, which helps to create a sense of depth and perspective. The overall effect is one of beauty, peace, and hope. This image could be hanging in a gallery, or in a library. It would be a beautiful reminder of the beauty of nature, and of the power of life to overcome even the harshest of conditions.

What is a Public Benefit Corporation?

A Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) is a for-profit corporation that is legally required to consider the impact of its decisions on society and the environment. PBCs are not charities, but they are businesses that are committed to doing good in the world.

Why Did The Copperprint Become a PBC?

The Copperprint is a fine-art photography gallery in Bisbee, Arizona. The gallery was founded in 2023 with the mission of promoting and exhibiting photography that is both beautiful and socially conscious. During the initial conceptual phase, the gallery decided to become a PBC in order to formalize its commitment to social responsibility – to truly help promote deserving photographers where others lack.

How Does Being a PBC Benefit Photographers?

There are a number of ways that being a PBC benefits photographers. First, PBCs are required to have a written public benefit plan that sets forth the specific ways in which the company will contribute to society (in this case, you, the photographer). This plan can include things like providing grants to charitable organizations, supporting environmental initiatives, or promoting diversity and inclusion in the photography community.

Second, PBCs are subject to a higher standard of accountability than traditional for-profit corporations. This means that they are required to report on their social and environmental performance to their stakeholders, the state, and the public. This level of transparency can help to build trust with photographers and other stakeholders like art collectors.

Finally, PBCs can offer a number of non-financial benefits to photographers. For example, they may be able to provide access to mentorship programs, networking opportunities, or educational resources.


The Copperprint is an example of a business that is using the PBC structure to make a positive impact on the world. By becoming a PBC, the gallery has committed itself to using its profits to support social and environmental causes. This is good news for photographers, who can benefit from the gallery’s commitment to social responsibility.

Here are some additional benefits that photographers can enjoy when working with a PBC:

  • The opportunity to be part of a gallery that is making a difference in the world of art.

  • The knowledge that their work is supporting a gallery that is committed to sustainability and social justice.

  • The chance to network with other photographers who are passionate about using their art to make a difference.

  • And the knowledge that their hard work and produced art-pieces will be represented with respect.

The Copperprint’s decision to become a PBC is a positive step for the photography community. The gallery’s commitment to supporting emerging photographers, providing resources, and promoting photography as an art form will benefit photographers for years to come.

If you are a photographer who is looking for a gallery to represent your work, we encourage you to consider working with a PBC. These companies are committed to using their profits to support social, environmental, and developmental causes, and they can offer a number of non-financial benefits to photographers.