Warm Halos

 | Photo Title: Spring and Winter | Photo by Joni Niemelä ©2020
Spring and Winter | ©2020 Joni Niemelä

Submission FAQ's

  • Eligibility: International
  • Deadline: 2023-12-30
  • Days Remaining:
  • Type: Online-Exhibit
  • Fee: $35 US


  • Eligibility: International
  • Opens: 2023-11-15
  • Type: Online-Exhibit
  • Fee: $35 US


details below


  • Platinum: $500 US
  • Gold: $350 US
  • Silver: $250 US
  • Bronze: $125 US

Call-For-Entry Details

Are you an enthusiastic photographer looking for a new challenge? If so, then The Copperprint Gallery has just the opportunity for you with “Warm Halos”, a call-for-entry" about the exploration of the natural beauty of bokeh. The exhibition aims to highlight the unique artistry and vision of participating photographers.

Who is Eligible

The Copperprint Gallery is renowned for its professional staff, quality standards, and commitment to representing a diversity of traditions. They are looking to create a space of curiosity, discovery, and exploration through this unique event. As such, the exhibit will feature selected works of the top photographers in the field, while still ensuring there is room to celebrate emerging talent.

What is Accepted

Though the theme is focused on bokeh, participants are encouraged to explore the full breadth of their skills–From quaint portraitures to poetic landscapes to romanticized street photography, this exhibit emphasizes the careful interplay between the human form, nature, and light. Whatever form of creative expression your photographs take, “Warm Halos” seeks to reward thoughtful and passionate contributions. Participants will be chosen based on the quality, creativity and uniqueness of their submissions.

When is The Call & Exhibit

Warm Halos is open for submissions until Saturday, December 30, 2023 and participants should submit up to five works on their respective theme. All submissions will be reviewed by an independent panel of international photography professionals, who will carefully evaluate each individual project and subsequently shortlist one image each from 10 contestants for a online-exhibit on The Copperprint website, and will remain accessible indefinitely, starting Thursday, February 1, 2024. Best-of-Show winners will be announced near the close of the exhibition, with the corresponding prizes listed below for the three projects including featured artist page in our esteemed artist directory.

How to Apply to This Call

Those considering participation in the call-for-entry will be hard-pressed to find an ideal habitat for their photographs better than at The Copperprint. Not only does the space provide a prestigious setting, its versatility offers prospective applicants the opportunity to employ a variety of approaches between the aesthetics and conceptual.

The Copperprint acknowledges the importance of providing an avenue for photographers to show their work to the public. This call-for-entry is a way for photographers to present their personal style on this expansive topic in a professional setting. To apply, photographers must fill out the official application on the Copperprint website. The submission period will be open until Saturday, December 30, 2023.

Online submission and fees are being handled ONLY by The Copperprint using Stripe. When the call is open, an apply button to submit your images will become available on this page. The Copperprint submission process and uploading of your images is simple and easy to use. Cost is $35 US for upto 5 images. If you wish to submit more images that are related to this call's theme, you may apply again for as many times as you like at the same fee of $35 US per 5 images. There is no limit to the number of submissions.

If you are accepted as a participant for exhibition, you will receive a 'Notification of Acceptance' email from The Copperprint with farther instructions that will include a link to a form requesting additional information; e.g. artist statement, bio, website and social account links, etc. -- this additional information will help us market & promote you and your images on our website as well as various social media accounts, collaborators, and stakeholders alike.

Final Thoughts

“Warm Halos” is sure to be a special event that celebrates the aesthetics of bokeh while pushing boundaries of artistic expression. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have your work featured and appreciated – submit to The Copperprint Gallery’s “Warm Halos” call for entry today.

Best of Show & Awards

Promoted Group Exhibition

All selected artworks will be paid-promoted as a group for a duration of one full month from Thursday, February 1, 2024 to Wednesday, February 28, 2024 and the online-exhibit will remain accessible indefinitely for search engine indexing and discovery to all.

Peer Juried

The Best of Show awards will be given at four levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Entrants accepted into this online-exhibit will have their works rated by an anonymous survey emailed out to all accepted participants by means of a star-rating system.

As an esteemed judge of this Call for Entry, you will have the exclusive honor and privilege of selecting the winners of this hosted photography event. The winning entries will be announced in a Virtual Awards Ceremony around Thursday, February 15, 2024.

Awards for this Call

  • Platinum Award
    • $500 US
    • 1 Month Paid Promotion
    • Featured Artist Page*
    • Individual Landing Pages* for 10 Images
    • Online Group Gallery

  • Gold Award
    • $350 US
    • 3 Week Paid Promotions
    • Featured Artist Page**
    • Individual Landing Pages* for 4 Images
    • Online Group Gallery

  • Silver Award
    • $250 US
    • 2 weeks Paid Promotions
    • Featured Artist Page* w/2 additional images
    • Individual Landing Pages* for 2 Images
    • Online Group Gallery

  • Bronze Award
    • $125 US
    • 1 week Paid Promotions
    • Featured Artist Page*
    • Individual Landing Page* for the Awarded Image
    • Online Group Gallery

*Live example of a Featured Artist Page
*Live example of a Image Landing Page
- Some features may not be available at this time (i.e. limited print services)

Important Dates

  • Entry Deadline: . . Saturday, December 30, 2023
  • Notification of Acceptance: . . Monday, January 15, 2024
  • Show Gallery Open Dates: . . Thursday, February 1, 2024
  • Awards Reception: . . Thursday, February 15, 2024
  • Show Closes: . . Wednesday, February 28, 2024

(NOTE: Dates are subject to change according to unexpected circumstances).

Guest Juror Introduction

To Be Announced

Why Exhibit at The Copperprint

The foremost benefit of using The Copperprint for exhibits is that it allows for a broad reach to potential buyers. With Copperprint’s extensive influence in the art world, exhibits hosted Online and at our brick-and-mortar gallery (currently under renovation), can be seen by collectors, interior designers, and tourists from around the world. This is especially crucial for those looking to gain exposure and make connections within their chosen field. To further ensure that potential buyers find the gallery, exhibits, and most importantly, individual advertisements for our featured artists; The Copperprint uses paid, international promotions directed at professional interior designers, collectors, and other galleries using ads in Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google, giving all potential customers a direct and accessible view of the gallerys offerings.

*The Artists' terms for submission can be read here...