Rise | Chris Byrne

River rocks covered in snow backdropped with El Capitan surrounded in fog and sunlight - photographed by Chris Byrne | Photo Title: Rise | 
        Photo by Chris Byrne ©2023
Rise | ©2023 Chris Byrne

About this Photograph

This photo titled “Rise” is a stunning depiction of El Capitan, a granite monolith in Yosemite National Park is a stunning winter landscape. The mountain is bathed in warm light, and the snow-drenched trees at its base create a sense of stillness and peace. The misty fog at the base of the mountain adds a touch of mystery and intrigue.

Chris captured the atmosphere of the place perfectly. The foreground of the image is a stream of snow-covered river rocks, which reflect the monolith. The rocks are a study in contrasts, with their smooth, and cool rounded shapes contrasting with the sharp, and warm jagged edges of the mountain. An overall effect is one of beauty and power.

The title of the image, “Rise,” is also significant. It could suggest the idea of new beginnings, of hope and possibility. The fog and snow-covered trees would represent the past, while the river represents the future. The image suggests that even in the midst of winter, there is always hope for spring.

From The Artists

Headshot of Chris Byrne | Photo by Chris Byrne ©
© Chris Byrne
"As I drove into Yosemite on this afternoon after a major snow storm, the park was shrouded in fog. Getting to the bend in the Merced River with a perfect view of El Capitan was easy as not many other people had bothered to come into the park under these conditions. But I knew there were clouds breaking to the west and if that continued something special could happen. Setting up my camera on the river’s edge, the towering granite peak was completely obscured by the mist. And then slowly, oh so slowly it began to clear. Now if only the sun could break through I hoped. And then it happened! First a sliver of light midway up slicing the face. And then a little more and a little more. A couple people had set up near me now as I was literally cheering on the light out loud. “C’mon, c’mon, you can do it……..YES!!!! Yeeeeeehaw” just as the light set the majestic rock face aglow as El Cap rose from the mist below."
~Chris Byrne