el Desierto Pintado | Jason Robert O'Kennedy

TODO-- | Photo Title: el Desierto Pintado | 
        Photo by Jason Robert O'Kennedy ©2022
el Desierto Pintado | ©2022 Jason Robert O'Kennedy

About this Photograph

TODO– A narrative by the gallery for this image is coming soon.

From The Artists

 | Photo by Jason Robert O'Kennedy ©
© Jason Robert O'Kennedy
"El Desierto Pintado | The Painted Desert was named by a Spanish expedition under Francisco Vázquez de Coronado during his 1540 quest to find the Seven Cities of Cibola. After finding the cities were not made of gold, Coronado sent an expedition to find the Colorado River to gain supplies. While passing through this wonderland of colors (or black and white ;), they named the area El Desierto Pintado (Eur Sp. “The Painted Desert”)."
~Jason Robert O'Kennedy