Elvis Memorial Chapel | Jason Robert O'Kennedy

TODO-- | Photo Title: Elvis Memorial Chapel | 
        Photo by Jason Robert O'Kennedy ©2022
Elvis Memorial Chapel | ©2022 Jason Robert O'Kennedy

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From The Artists

 | Photo by Jason Robert O'Kennedy ©
© Jason Robert O'Kennedy
"Elvis Memorial Chapel | The chapel was a movie prop that was built for the 1969 Elvis Presley western, “Charro!” - which was the only movie Elvis made in which he did not sing. Survivor of two fires, one in 1969 at the Apacheland Movie Studio, and one in 2004 where it was only one of two structures that survived the Valentine’s Night blaze. At least 10 buildings were lost. The chapel was later donated to the museum by Sue and Ed Birminghamby and was taken down piece by piece, nail by nail, then reconstructed on the museum ground. Most of the building is original but the stained glass window is new. And, the steeple had to be replaced because not even Elvis could stop the bad guys from blowing it off! Today, it still serves as a wedding chapel as it did when it was first constructed at Apacheland."
~Jason Robert O'Kennedy