Notches in the Sky | Jason Robert O'Kennedy

TODO-- | Photo Title: Notches in the Sky | 
        Photo by Jason Robert O'Kennedy ©2022
Notches in the Sky | ©2022 Jason Robert O'Kennedy

About this Photograph

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From The Artists

 | Photo by Jason Robert O'Kennedy ©
© Jason Robert O'Kennedy
"Notches In The Sky | Mike Burns, born Hoomothya, was around eight years old in 1872 when the US military murdered his family and as many as seventy-six other Yavapai men, women, and children in the Skeleton Cave Massacre. One of only a few young survivors, he was adopted by an army captain and ended up serving as a scout in the US army. Born in the shadows of these very peaks, known as Four Peaks today, said his people called them, “Wee-ka-ja-hor”, meaning, “Four notches or cuts, as with an axe.”"
~Jason Robert O'Kennedy