Picacho | Jason Robert O'Kennedy

TODO-- | Photo Title: Picacho | 
        Photo by Jason Robert O'Kennedy ©2022
Picacho | ©2022 Jason Robert O'Kennedy

About this Photograph

TODO– A narrative by the gallery for this image is coming soon.

From The Artists

 | Photo by Jason Robert O'Kennedy ©
© Jason Robert O'Kennedy
"Cerro de Taca | The name Picacho Peak is etymologically redundant; picacho means ‘peak’ in Spanish (Sorry folks; not from the anime character, Pikachu ;). In 1775 the peak was referred to as Cerro de Taca, or ‘Taca Hill’ by Father Francisco Garcés, using the Oʼodham name Tcacca or Taceo. It was also called Picacho del Tucson (Sp. ‘Tucson Peak’) in the past."
~Jason Robert O'Kennedy