Illumine No2 | kelly O'Leary

A black and white photo of a side-lit sand dune by Kelly O'Leary | Photo Title: Illumine No2 | 
        Photo by kelly O'Leary ©2023
Illumine No2 | ©2023 kelly O'Leary

About this Photograph

In the realm where sunlight kisses the Earth and whispers secrets only the wind can hear, lies an extraordinary spectacle conjured by nature. A black and white photograph captures the mystique of a beach sand dune; embellished by the soft caress of a single sun ray and the ethereal embrace of drifting clouds, illuminating the dune in a single patch as if revealing its inner secrets. This artistic depiction evokes an enigmatic beauty that transcends mere grains of sand and unveils the profound allure of nature’s poetry.

A timeless photographic masterpiece, Kelly has masterfully captured the perfect symmetry of nature. Each element, meticulously placed, merges to form a visual orchestration that stirs profound emotions within the viewer. It is as though the photograph itself becomes a portal, allowing one to transcend the boundaries of reality and immerse oneself in the serenity of the beach.

From The Artists

 | Photo by kelly O'Leary ©
© kelly O'Leary
"Much of the NE Florida coastline took a battering from the hurricane activity we experienced last Fall. Visiting my favorite portion of coastline, I found the previously dispersed dunes had been generously replenished. Meandering along them on an August evening, I was absolutely astounded by this sight. These are the moments that cannot be planned, a serendipitous occurrence where a beam of light had pierced through clouds above and spilled so perfectly onto the shadowed dunes below. Paramount to any great capture, I am always on the hunt for light and shadow, and this resplendent, luminous gift was truly sublime."
~kelly O'Leary