Impending | Kelly O'Leary
About this Photograph
TODO– A narrative by the gallery for this image is coming soon.
From The Artists
"I captured this dynamic image on an unbearably sultry July evening in 2022. The summer season in Florida ensures late afternoon storms will roll in like clockwork and a calculated dance of humans will ensue, dodging the abrupt onset of impending showers. The beauty of this phenomenon is dark, tumultuous skies filled with an abundance of voluminous clouds, and a brisk, enthusiastic incoming tide. This is the very time I set out with my gear, the time in which the sea is most animated and skies most dramatic, ideal subject matter. It’s an exhilarating atmosphere where a pulse is felt in the air and a vibration in the soul. It’s a time to turn inward, to reflect, to just be. I sit and I wait. I wait for moments like these where the white froth of the sea dramatically collides into the rocks under a gentle gift of light spilling from between the clouds."
~Kelly O'Leary
~Kelly O'Leary